Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Holton Players' Herculean Efforts Pay-Off!

Congratulations Happy Holton Players on a fantastic production of "Young Hercules" this evening.

The house was packed, so get there early tomorrow if you missed it tonight. $5 per person. 7 pm curtain! The show lasts about 75 minutes.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Holton's Garden Classroom on NPR

Holton's garden classroom project was featured on NPR recently. Click here to link to the story.

Teacher Appreciation Week Next Week

Hello Holton Families!

We will be celebrating our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week next week, May 3-7. This is the time to let our children's teachers know that we recognize the incredible work they for our children. Please take this opportunity to show your appreciation. Your gift need not be costly--flowers from the yard, a work of art by your child, a note, a card or a simple gift are all wonderful ways to express your heartfelt thanks.

Also as part of Teacher Appreciation Week, The PTA will be hosting a luncheon for the Teacher's on Friday May 7th and a few volunteers are needed for this event as well. Please contact Beth Bolstad if you would like to help with the luncheon!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cookie Dough Pick-Up Today ONLY

Please pick-up your cookie dough orders today between 3 and 4:30. Items not picked-up cannot be refrigerated.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Volunteers needed to staff next week's book fair!

Your help badly needed for the book fair. We need volunteers to staff the fair every morning and afternoon next week. The fair can only be open if we get volunteers to help out. Please contact Barbara Haas for additional details, questions, and to volunteer.

The following shifts are available:

Monday April 26th
  • 8:30 to 12:00
  • 3:30 to 5:00

Tuesday April 27th
  • 8:30 to 12:00
  • 12:00 to 3:30
  • 3:30 to 5:00

Wednesday April 28th
  • 8:30 to 9:30
  • 3:30 to 5:00

Thursday April 29th
  • 8:30 to 9:30
  • 3:30 to 5:00

Friday April 30th
  • 8:30 to 9:30
  • 3:30 to 5:00
  • Before & After Young Hercules

Saturday May 1st
  • Before & After Young Hercules

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Urgent update to garden bed construction schedule

Due to the 30-60% change of rain and thunderstorms predicted for this weekend, we are going to do most of the garden bed construction Thursday and Friday after school. Sorry for those who had signed up for Saturday and will now not be able to participate. There will be plenty of work days in the future!!!
**Thursday 4-7 PM Cutting Wood and POSSIBLY beginning to assemble the beds (Need 3-4 people). NO CHILDREN ALLOWED. If you are willing, please bring any of the following tools that you have: Chop/mitre saw, Skill/Circular saw, Framing Square, Levels (4ft. or bigger), Pencils, Tape measures, Long extension cords, Cordless drills (bring chargers), Bits/drivers. Please label your tools.

**Friday 4-7 PM Assemble the garden beds. Majority of work will be using a level, hammering in stakes & assembling the beds. (Need 5-10 people). If you are willing, please bring any of the following tools that you have: Framing Square, Levels (4ft. or bigger), Pencils, Tape measures, Long extension cords, Cordless drills (bring chargers), Bits/drivers, Sledgehammers, Shovels, Wheelbarrows, Hard rakes. Please label your tools.

**Saturday 8-10am Majority of work will be shoveling dirt and compost. This work may happen on Friday night and will send out an email to all those who signed up to confirm or cancel this work.

Details about volunteering:

Construction will be led by Holton teacher Aaron Garber. All volunteers will be required to sign a waiver and due to safety issues raised by Richmond Public Schools, we ask that you do not bring your children Thursday night. When we are just moving dirt and compost there maybe some opportunities for children’s involvement but not when there are power tools and cords.
Please let me know what if you are available one of these days. Please email or call 540-529-1595 if you have any questions.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Upcoming Holton-Friendly Yard Sales!

There are two yard sale events coming up soon that we thought you might like to know about.

1. 4th Annual Kids Stuff Yard Sale-April 17th, 2010, 8 am-1pm

Proceeds to benefit several organizations including Holton Elementary!

St. Thomas Church
3602 Hawthorne Ave. Richmond, VA 23222

View Larger Map

Sip-n-shop on Friday, April 16th for $10 to get first pick.

To donate or for more information, please contact Katie Best or Jill Salp.

2. Holton Community Yard Sale-May 15th, 2010, 8 am-12 noon

Sell your yard sale items at Holton or come and check out what others have to sell!

In the front of the school at 8 am!

  • $15 entry-fee/$10 for PTA members
  • $30 for vendors
Contact Ushan Arnone at for more information.