Sunday, February 28, 2010

President's Pen: March 2010

Holton families –

Here’s hoping all of you made the most of the snow days, and here’s hoping (at least I’m hoping) that the snow is a thing of the past! Holton PTA has a had a busy couple of months.

The snow didn’t put a damper on our Parents Dance. We had a good group turn out on Jan. 30 for an evening of fun, food, and dancing. The committee did a great job of pulling it all off despite the snow. Many of us walked, while some braved driving.

While the Parents Dance offered a night out for adults, the Unity Dance was all about FAMILY fun. We had a packed house on February 19. Mardis Gras was the theme, and the vegetarian jambalaya was sold out in 20 minutes! There was dancing, face painting, a cake walk, silent auction, and of course, lots of yummy food to eat!

Looking toward March, the Holton 5K is right around the corner. Register before March 1 to be guaranteed a t-shirt. On-line registration is available at (use keyword: Holton) Volunteers are also needed to help make this event a success. We will not be having our traditional “Family Festival” after the race this year. Instead, we will include the “Family Festival” in our end of the year picnic – this year celebrating Holton’s 10 year anniversary!

PTA Enrichments are in full swing – with classes that include jewelry making, Smart Board, soccer, double dutch, and much, much more! Please keep and eye out for the cookie dough fundraiser coming home soon. All proceeds help to support events and activities that benefit our students, such as the Enrichment Programs.

Our next General PTA meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 16, at 6:30pm. This will be an important meeting as we need to vote on revisions to our PTA Bylaws. Please plan to join us. Copies of the revisions are available in the school office if you would like to look over them in advance of the vote.

Finally, as you know, our schools are facing some serious budget cuts. I encourage everyone to stay informed concerning this important matter. A successful rally was organized last Sunday – Feb. 21 at the State Capitol. Thanks to everyone who helped organize and attended the rally. Another rally is scheduled for this Saturday. Here is some information off the Virginia PTA website:

Join Virginia PTA and our partners in the Virginia Education Coalition this Saturday, February 27, 2010 from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon on the Capitol Square Grounds for a grassroots rally sponsored by the Virginia Education Association in support of K-12 Education Funding. We hope this rally will send a message to legislators that we are standing up for Public Education. If passed, these budget cuts will affect all public school students, employees and families; we must not sit back and keep quiet concerning the future of our children. Please help us to spread the word by forwarding this alert to everyone you know who is interested in the future of Virginia. Everyone is encouraged to attend!
  • What: Stand Up For Education Rally
  • When: Saturday, February 27, 2010 from 11am-noon
  • Where: Capitol Grounds Richmond, Virginia
-Amy Holtz

Friday, February 26, 2010

Countdown to Holton's Annual 5K!

We are in the home stretch now....One week to go...Have YOU registered for the Holton 5K? Have you asked a friend to register?

Don't forget to REGISTER, WATCH, and DONATE!!

REGISTER here for the 5K.or DOWNLOAD the registration form here from the Holton website and registration forms are also available in the office

WATCH Holton's own Mr. Watkins on CBS 6's Virginia this Morning, Wednesday, March 3, at 9am.

DONATE a case or two of water. We still need 30 cases of water to be able to hydrate our 5K runners/walkers and our 4th and 5th grade 4-5-1 runners.

Also, on Friday, March 5, all of our Holton students will have an opportunity to participate in the annual Holton Kid's Dash. Each grade level will compete for medals and prize bags full of goodies. March 5 is, Wear Your Sweats to School day, and remember to wear your sneakers, because you won't be allowed to race without them. Parents, the fun starts at 1:30 and we hope you can join us to cheer on your child.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pick up you copy of the PTA bylaw revisions today!

Dear Holton PTA Members:

Every 5 years, the PTA bylaws, as set forth by Virginia PTA and National PTA, must be reviewed/revised. Over the past weeks, a bylaws team has been reviewing and updating our bylaws. We will be voting on these revisions to our bylaws at our next general PTA meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, March 16.

We are making copies of the revisions available in the school office, starting Monday, Feb. 22. We are asking PTA members to please pick up a copy and look over them before our meeting on March 16. We will have a time for questions and discussion before our vote on March 16.

Thank you for your support, and thanks to the bylaws team for their hard work: Yvette Conte, Ed Riley, and Michelle Welch!

Amy Holtz
Holton PTA President

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mardi Gras Unity Dance- Friday, February 19th 6-9pm

Come to the PTA's Unity Dance! Friday, February 19th
6-9 pm
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
(Let the good times roll!)

 Admission: $2 at the door
Free beads with each admission!

New this year to Our Unity Dance: DINNER IS SERVED!

Po’boys, vegetarian jambalaya, snacks, and drinks for sale!
Buy tickets for the following activities for 50¢ each:

  • Cake walk

  • Raffles

  • Photos

  • Tattoos

  • Face painting

  • Crafts
  Don't forget to wear your purple, gold, and green!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow or shine! Holton's Qdoba Night is On!

Come Snow or Shine…..Holton Qdoba Night is ON!!!

Thursday, February 4
5pm - 7pm
at the
Willow Lawn location

Scoop those walks, put on your boots and meet your friends for some great food and fun.

Stop by the prize wheel and say"hi" to Mr. Mitchell, our guest wheel attendant.

Hope to see you there!