Friday, October 30, 2009

Join the PTA!

Save (right click, save as...), print, and complete this form and return it with $7 to the school with your child.

Forms are also available at the school on the PTA bulletin board by the cafeteria.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mark Your Calendars: November 2009

  • The Great American Catalog Fundraiser-Ends Nov. 2nd
  • Teacher In-Service-Nov. 3rd No school for students
  • November PTA Board Meeting-Nov. 5th, 6:30 pm
  • Qdoba Night-Nov. 5th, 5:00-7:00 pm
  • Scholastic Book Fair-Nov. 9-13th
  • PTA General Meeting-Nov. 10th, 6:30 pm Topic: “Spotlight on Enrichment Programs”
  • End of 1st 9 Weeks-Nov. 10th
  • Holton Harvest Festival,-Nov. 14th, 2-4 pm
  • Fall Break-Nov. 25th (early dismissal)-29th
  • Garden Planning Meeting-Dec. 1st, 6:30-8:00 pm

President's Pen: November 2009

School is now in full swing, and the PTA has been busy with many special projects and activities. Our PTA Enrichment Programs have begun. Many children are taking advantage of these special “classes,” enjoying activities such as scrapbooking, digital photography, and volleyball (just to name a few).

Special thanks goes out to Ms. Hull for all of her work in helping to make our Enrichment Program run smoothly, and to our teachers and volunteers. I also want to thank all of the families who helped out with our Teacher Dinner during Parent /Teacher Conferences and who have participated in our fund-raisers.

Many came out for Qdoba Night on October 1, enjoying some great food and fun with Holton friends. (Our next Qdoba Night is scheduled for November 5).

The coupon book fundraiser was also a great success. Together we raised over $4700. Our Great American Sale is currently underway. Don’t forget - orders are due by November 2!

A Capri-Sun recycling program has been started at Holton. Children who pack their lunch are encouraged to put their empty drink pouches in one of the special bins located in the cafeteria instead of in the trash. Parent Liza Forness helped to get this program started, and is busy each day collecting, rinsing, and packing the empty packages so that they can be recycled. Please encourage your children to put their pouches in these bins, and let them know that when they do, they are helping to save our environment!

October 30 is a big day of fun for our students. It is the annual Membership Dance, which features music and dancing during the school day. Many family members and teachers have already joined the PTA. Dues are only $7.00, but they go a long way towards strengthening our school! Thanks so much for your support.

The Book Fair is coming! It runs the week of November 9-13 in the Media Center, and lots of hands are needed to make our Book Fair a success. Students have the opportunity to visit the Book Fair both during the school day and after school.

Our next general PTA meeting will take place on Tuesday night, November 10, at 6:30, and the Book Fair will be open that night as well.

Another exciting event taking place in November is Holton’s Fall Festival, sponsored by our Garden Committee. Bring your family and friends out on November 14 from 2-4, enjoy an afternoon of fun activities and see what our students are growing in their garden. More information is included in the November newsletter that will come home with your child.

Special thanks to the Ginter Park Residence Association for presenting the Holton PTA with a grant that is being used to sponsor this event. Grants were given to the PTA’s of four north side schools – Holton, Ginter Park, Henderson, and John Marshall - as part of Ginter Park’s Centennial Celebration.

Happy November!
Amy Holtz, PTA President

The Great American Catalog Fundraiser until Nov. 2nd

Don't forget to place your order for the PTA's Great American Catalog fundraiser. Forms are due back to school on Nov. 2nd so there isn't too much time left.

Remember you can also shop online at The school PIN # is 1361500. So tell out of town family and friends.

Holton PTA does great work for Holton and this fundraiser helps financially support this work.

No School for Students-Tuesday, Nov. 3rd

There will be no school for students on Tuesday, November 3rd, due to a scheduled teacher "in service" day.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Parent Teacher Conferences This Week

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming to a classroom near you this Thursday afternoon and Friday.

Your child's teacher will provide you with more information and an appointment time.

There will be no school for students on Friday, October 16th.

Additional Resources:

Holton Harvest Festival Coming Soon!

Saturday, November 14th

2-4 pm

Come and see what's growing in the garden and be there for the unveiling of the garden's new name!
Fabulous Fall Fare will be provided.

Music will be played by Holton Parents. If you are interested in joining the band, please contact Beth Bolstad.

For more information on the Harvest Festival, please contact Liz Vermillion or Kim Fowler.

Special Thanks:

It is with greatest appreciation that we thank the Ginter Park Residents Association for their grant and support of Holton.

We would also like to thank Horse and Buggy Produce for providing the produce.

H1N1 Vaccines Coming to Holton

Starting the week of October 19th, Richmond Public Schools is beginning an initiative to vaccinate all children with the new H1N1 vaccine.

Children under 10 years old will require 2 injections that are 4 weeks apart.

Check your child's backpack for the permission form and more information on the process. Please return your forms to the school by October 15th.
  • Remember to wash hands carefully. Here is a video by the CDC to show handwashing best practices:

  • Click here to listen to the CDC's webcast about H1N1 flu.
Additional Resources for Parents:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Linwood Holton Night at Qdoba Mexican Grill

Mark your calendar now to make the first Thursday of each month (except January) "Qdoba Night". When you eat from Qdoba at Willow Lawn on Holton's Qdoba Nights from 5pm to 7pm, Qdoba will donate $1.50 per adult entree and $0.50 from each kid's meal to the Holton PTA to help sponsor the Holton 5K.

Holton's Qdoba Night are from 5-7pm on:
  • October 1
  • November 5
  • December 3
  • February 4
  • March 4
  • April 1
  • May 6
  • June 3
Qdoba's address is: 4295 W. Broad St.

Just tell them Holton sent you!

There will even be a prize wheel to spin!